Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wii interface for your PC!! WiiFronted Beta - current version: 0.030b

While browsing for wii hacks (of which I found nothing worth the trouble of buying a mod chip) I found a little app for a windows PC that is a front end for the PC that looks like the wii's front end. After just looking at it I saw that it had lots of work still to be done. First it was low res and the icons looks bad. Second the little channel channel boxes are too skinny. And third it is really hard to actually use the computer. Although it is kinda pointless it is cool but I think that if someone did this with a program like desktop x it would come out much better and would probably be quicker and easer to make.

I say that if you really want the wii experience that get a wii but if you like a challenge that go and help with the coding.

I rate it




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